S.T.A.R.S. stand for
S ustainable-development
T echnology-fusion
A pplication-cultivation
R esearch-integration
S trategic-advancement
With the principles of sustainable development, STARS foundation supports and guides cutting-edge technology companies from all over the world to accelerate their growth on STARS' innovative platform.
STARS Foundation was formed to assist science researchers and innovators to bring about the widespread adoption of sustainable development via commercially viable processes and products for social impact and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable Development
Following the principles of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, STARS Foundation is using frontier technologies to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system.
Technology Fusion
One of the unique functions of the STARS Foundation is to encourage technological fusion to discover synergy and new fields of applications to create game-changing innovations in order to benefit humans for a more sustainable future.
Application Cultivation
The real-life applications of technologies are as important as the research itself. The STARS Foundation is committed to promoting solutions to global challenges at the application level by designing and producing products that can be widely used. STARS Foundation combines and utilizes our channels and opportunities available to provide a stronger basis for our startup members to flourish.
Research Integration
In the field of scientific development, and among many passionate technology developers, not having the right equipment or facilities could be a show-stopper, and inadvertently waste invaluable ideas which could have changed our world. STARS Foundation, by utilizing our members' combined resources globally, integrate crucial scientific research for our members to achieve critical mass and progress to reach their potential.
Strategic Advancement
STARS Foundation consults the startups to form market-entry, and IP-coverage strategies, as to harness successful business models to offer competitive returns to investors. Personnel in our organization from all areas of expertise enable our members to form business strategies, deal with public relations, interface with government agencies, run sizable market campaigns. Functions such as the ones listed above are not easily afforded by young startups. STARS Foundation strives to provide the crucial services of strategic development to equip our members for any strategical challenges they might face.
We have formed close relationships with various government departments, research institutes, state-owned enterprises as well as other social groups. Our previous joint efforts include events such as Green China Forum, Technology Fusion Seminar, and Green Financial Institution. Below is a list of some of our associated counterparts.
Affiliated Counterparts
Other Associated Counterparts
China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group
CNOOC New Energy Investment Co., Ltd
China Beijing Environment Exchange
National Academy for Mayors of China
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
China Green Building Council
China Academy of Building Research
Ministry of Environmental Protection
Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences
China Association of Environmental Protection Industry
China Environmental Protection Foundation
China Environmental Cultural Protection Association
National Development and Reform Commission
International Cooperation Center
Ministry of Science and Technology
China Rural Technology Development Center
China National Center for Biotechnology Development