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Integrity & Ingenuity


S.T.A.R.S. Foundation

S.T.A.R.S. stands for

S ustainable-development

T echnology-fusion

A pplication-cultivation

R esearch-integration

S trategic-advancement

With the principles of sustainable development, S.T.A.R.S. Foundation supports and guides cutting-edge technology companies from all over the world to accelerate their growth on STARS' innovative platform.

S.T.A.R.S. Foundation was formed to assist science researchers and innovators to bring about the widespread adoption of sustainable development via commercially viable processes and products for social impact and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.



Sustainability Impact Corporate Awards
for UNSDGs

SISDGs have designed a self-reporting questionnaire surrounding the three sustainability pillars, namely environmental, social and governance which addresses the Global UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) specifically for the Sustainability Impact Corporate Awards. The survey implemented the SY model assessed by SGS with relevant clauses of ISO 10015. While using sustainability impact assessment as the framework, it is a recently developed index for formulating integrated policies which take full account of most sustainability dimensions and have been fine-tuned and widely utilized by multiple transnational organisations. 

By joining the program, your response will be carefully conferred by a panel of expertise around the globe. All participating corporates will be conferred a certificate, while two types of award will be merited to corporates. Moreover, we will offer help to register your contribution to the UN-SDGs on the United Nation's global registry platform in recognition of your effort. 

Corporate Awardees will be bestowed with a list of deliverables in the following:


  1. An award certificate will be issued with the Sustainability Impact Corporate Logo;

  2. The new Sustainability Impact Corporate Logo together with the company name will be issued and registered as a new trademark for printing on business card;

  3. Partnership with UN-SDGs online platform registration service will be offered to corporates for example, SIIP-UN (;

  4. Referral to ESG and/or Sustainability Report for United Nations 17 SDGs by competent consultancy will be provided;

  5. Referral to the Green Financiers in our business communities providing financial instrument products, including Green Bond and Sustainability-linked Loan. 


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